Curved Counter Cards

These curved counter cards are a great way to promote specials in retail or hospitality situations. They come in either A5 or A4 size and they fold down flat for easy shipping. In the centre of the piece is a clever little locking device that is popped into position when you’re ready to set it […]

Wrapping it up

It’s well worth considering how you’re going to present a well crafted piece of print to your client or prospect. You can spend a lot of time and effort designing the perfect piece, but if it turns up in a standard white envelope, it may just end up in the ‘bills to be ignored’ pile. […]

Variable Data (personalisation)

One of our favourite jobs is the report cards printed annually for the ‘students’ at Barkley Manor Doggy Day Care Centre. This is an introspective campaign where the report cards provide a fun and light-hearted way to introduce, and capitalise on, the ‘class photos’ that are shot each year, which helps to drive sales for […]

Footpath Signs

footpath sign large and small

Footpath signs are a great way to attract attention and they come in different shapes and sizes, but the Auckland Council has regulations around what size is permissible. (see the regulations here) In the photo at the left here we see a fairly large sign. In Auckland City the council regulations around footpath signs are […]

Life Sized Cardboard Cut Outs

richie mccaw life size cutout

Life Sized Cardboard Cut Outs We print your image (photo) on a 5mm thick corflute sheet up to 1100mm wide by 2300mm tall (that’s a little over 7 foot). We then apply a cardboard strut to the rear of the print which folds out and allows the print to be free-standing. We then cut the […]

Corflute and it’s many uses


Corflute is very much like corrugated cardboard, except it’s made from plastic, which makes it ideal for outdoor use. It’s also pretty cheap which makes it great for quick, cost effective promotions. Corflute comes in thicknesses of either 3mm, 5mm or 8mm. While it’s reasonably rigid it can be bent fairly easily, so if it’s […]